Growth through Talent

Pivotal's Outlook on Recruitment 2024: Navigating Transformative Trends

 23rd Nov 2023


The world of recruitment was constantly influenced by technological advancements, changing candidate expectations and societal shifts in 2023.

In 2024, the recruitment landscape is poised for significant transformation and we're here to guide you through the key shifts shaping the industry to help you stay ahead of the curve.


  1. AI and Automation

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation into recruitment processes has been a journey of continuous evolution. In 2024, Pivotal foresees an acceleration of this trend, with AI-powered tools streamlining candidate sourcing, resume screening, and initial interviews.


Tip : Embrace AI-driven tools for streamlined processes, but never forget the importance of human oversight and personalisation.


Let’s delve into the top 9 AI recruiting tools that are redefining the landscape of hiring.


  1. Data-Driven Decision Making

In the realm of recruitment, data is the new currency. The utilisation of predictive analytics will play a crucial role in recognising high-potential candidates and evaluating their compatibility with organisational culture, ultimately increasing the likelihood of successful hires.


Tip : Invest in data analytics tools to make informed decisions about candidate sourcing, selection, and retention.


  1. The ‘3 day hybrid model’ will be the norm

The pandemic expedited the adoption of remote work, but it feels like the pattern changingCampaign magazine article, emphasises the importance of hybrid working, with 53% aspiring to a three-day office week out of five.


While debates persist on the ideal balance between in-office and remote work, we are seeing the majority of clients settling on a three-day office week. This model attempts to strike a balance between fostering collaboration and accommodating the growing preference for flexible work arrangements.


Tip : Communication and defining clear expectations around performance are key. Ensuring you have clearly defined polices, and constantly reviewing your training requirements to ensure people can develop and effectively when working remotely.  


  1. ED&I Focus

Equity, Diversity and inclusion (ED&I) initiatives will continue to become more prominent in recruitment approaches. Talent Insight Group revealed 92% of HR/TA/D&I teams they surveyed said diversity and inclusion was a focus in their company.   Candidates are placing growing importance on organisations that demonstrate a steadfast dedication to diversity and inclusion.


Tip : Establish clear ED&I goals, invest in training, and adopt inclusive hiring practices to build a diverse and innovative team.


  1. Skills Over Degrees

There’s a massive shift underway that’s steadily moving the labour market from a pedigree-based model to a skills-first model. HR teams are also increasingly relying on skills as the key filter through which to evaluate a candidate’s ability and potential on LinkedIn, with over 40% now explicitly using skills data to fill their roles.


Tip : Prioritise skills and competencies will require you to rethink job requirements, job descriptions as well as training your TA team and mangers on how to hold effective skills based interviews


  1. Personalisation in Candidate Engagement

In 2024, candidates expect personalised communication and experiences. Leveraging AI to send tailored messages, recommend relevant job openings, and provide a personalised candidate journey will be a must.


Tip : Implement a CRM system and leverage AI for personalised communication, tailored recommendations, and a unique candidate journey.


  1. Virtual Reality (VR) in Recruitment (maybe!)​​​​​​​

The integration of Virtual Reality (VR) into recruitment processes is an exciting prospect! VR simulations could provide candidates with an immersive experience of the workplace environment before accepting an offer.


Tip : Explore VR possibilities, especially for roles benefiting from hands-on experiences, to provide immersive insights for candidates. Take a look at what this would look like in the future.


As we navigate 2024, Pivotal is your strategic partner—adapting to change, shaping the industry, and helping you secure top talent for success in the dynamic years ahead. To know more contact David Terry via

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